Monday, September 2, 2024

⚡️ De los archivos: El fallecimiento de la princesa Margarita de Baden


[Nota: Este obituario fue escrito tras el fallecimiento de la Princesa Margarita en 2013 por Arturo E. Beéche.]

Su Alteza Real la Princesa Margarita de Baden falleció en Farnham la tarde del 15 de enero de 2013. Su muerte puso fin a una larga enfermedad que había minado gravemente la salud de la princesa.

Margarita nació en el castillo de Salem el 14 de julio de 1932. Fue la primogénita del margrave Bertoldo de Baden y de su esposa, la ex princesa Teodora de Grecia y Dinamarca. Bertoldo, el respetado jefe de la Gran Casa Ducal de Baden, era el único hijo del margrave Max de Baden (último canciller de la Alemania imperial) y de su esposa, la princesa María Luisa de Cumberland, hija mayor del duque de Cumberland, Ernesto Augusto de Hannover, y de su esposa danesa, la princesa Thyra. La princesa Teodora era la segunda hija del príncipe Andrés de Grecia y Dinamarca y de su esposa, la ex princesa Alicia de Battenberg, padres de otras tres hijas y un hijo, SAR el duque de Edimburgo. Era la nieta mayor de ambos grupos de abuelos.

La princesa se crió en el Schloss Salem, donde su familia patrocinó un famoso centro educativo construido según las políticas progresistas propuestas por Kurt Hahn, un educador de origen judío muy respetado. Berthold y Hahn eran el corazón de la Escuela de Salem, y ambos se alzaron como baluartes contra la invasión nacionalsocialista de Alemania. Finalmente, Hahn se vio obligado a abandonar Alemania y buscar refugio en Inglaterra, donde fundó Gordonstoun, la escuela a la que asistieron el príncipe Felipe y el príncipe de Gales.

Después del nacimiento de su hija Margarita, Berthold y Theodora tuvieron dos hijos más: Maximilian (Max), nacido en 1933, y Ludwig, nacido en 1937.

Los Baden sufrieron cada vez más presiones para unirse al naciente Partido Nazi, como lo habían hecho otros de sus primos y amigos. Berthold, sin embargo, se mantuvo firme y rechazó toda presión para traicionar su conciencia.

Tras el fin de la guerra, los Baden restablecieron el contacto con su familia inglesa. Aunque no fueron invitados a la boda del príncipe Felipe y la princesa Isabel en 1947, sí formaron parte de la celebración oficial de la coronación de la reina Isabel en 1953.

Wanting to study nursing, Princess Margarita relocated to London in the 1950s. It was while there that she met Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia (1928-2000), the second son of the late King Alexander I of Yugoslavia and of his wife, the former Princess Marie of Romania. Both Tomislav and Margarita were descendants of Queen Victoria. The wedding date was announced from Salem on April 8, 1957, and the wedding date set for June 6.

The wedding festivities provided the extended Gotha with another opportunity to gather and repair links damaged by the debacle of the Second World War. Present at Schloß Baden to witness the ceremony were, among many others: the Duke of Edinburgh, Queen Marie of Yugoslavia, Queen Frederica of Greece, King Umberto II of Italy, King Simeon of Bulgaria, King Peter II of Yugoslavia, The Earl and countess Mountbatten of Burma, and even the elderly Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna Jr., who by then lived at Schloß Mainau, her son Lennart’s island paradise on Lake Konstanz.

Tomislav and Margarita settled in the UK, where he owned a fruit farm. It was there that their two children were born: Nicholas in 1958, and Katerina the following year. Margarita remained close to her English family and she was frequently a guest of The Queen and Prince Philip.

Unfortunately, the marriage that had began with such promise of mutual happiness experienced much turmoil. Tomislav’s financial situation was terribly unstable and the fruit farm a source of much worry and concern. In the end the enterprise was closed. Margarita tried as much as she could to lend a hand, but eventually the writing was on the wall. In 1982 their marriage ended in divorce and most ungraciously, Tomislav remarried his lady friend later that same year. He went on to have two sons with Ms Linda Bonney, his second wife.

Princess Margarita remained living in London, where her two children were raised under the kind support of their royal cousins. She never remarried. Margarita’s links to the English royal family were not affected by her divorce, which had not been the case with many others who had incurred in such course of action.

In 1987 Princess Katerina married a prominent lawyer of Sri Lanka extraction, Desmond de Silva, with whom he had one daughter. Five years later Prince Nicholas married a Yugoslav-born lady by the name of Ljiljana Licánin, by whom he had a daughter, Marija, in 1993. Nicholoas is estranged from his wife. Victoria de Silva and Marija of Yugoslavia are Princess Margarita’s only grandchildren. She also has a great-grandson from her granddaughter Marija.

It was common to see Margarita attend various family gatherings in Germany, from weddings, to baptisms and even some funerals. She traveled frequently from her London residence and she was always seen sporting a nice smile and a twinkle in her eye. I met Princess Margarita a few times and she always seemed to have a good time, even when confined to a wheelchair. In fact, once at Schoß Langenburg I helped carry the princess, who was seated in her wheelchair. “Your poor man, to come from so far to help carry me,” she said. “Madame,” I replied, “to me, it is a pleasure to be able to help you and not a bother whatsoever.”

I last saw Princess Margarita at Schloß Salem in 2007. It was far too busy for us to sit and chat. But she nodded and smiled when I asked if I could take some pictures. Her smile, I will never forget. It beamed and made any room shine with light. that twinkle, she never lost.

My condolences to her brothers and the entire family…May She Rest in Peace…

 Prince Tomislav, Princess Margarita and Prince Nicholas of Yugoslavia
 Wedding of Prince Tomislav of Yugoslavia and
Princess Margarita of Baden

The Duke of Edinburgh with Prince Tomislav and Princess Margarita
of Yugoslavia. Behind Prince Philip is Margravine Theodora of Baden. 

From left: Hereditary Prince Max, Prince Ludwig and Princess Margarita of Baden. 

Prince Tomislav and Princess Margarita
of Yugoslavia. 

Margrave Berthold and Margravine Theodora of Baden with their
 children: Margarita, Max and Ludwig.

The baptism of Princess Margarita of Baden, September 1932.
Princess Margarita of Baden with ehr sister-in-law Princess Marianne
of Baden, Langenburg 2004. 

Fürstin Eilika of Leiningen and Princess Margarita of Baden,
Schloß Salem 2007.  

Princess Margarita of Baden with her daughter Princess Katerina
of Yugoslavia, Mr Desmond de Siliva and Victoria de Silva, Schloß Salem, 2007. 

Princess Margarita of Baden with Prince Ernst August of Hannover,
Schloß Salem 2007.

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